Style Guidelines

Writing guidelines

The vision for the blog is to provide quick, easy-to-digest reads which showcase excellence in learning and teaching at the University. Our intended audience is anyone at the University of Sheffield with an interest in learning and teaching in Higher Education. 

The suggested word limit for blogs is 500-700 words and the style of writing should be conversational and accessible for a broad audience.

We want to have a variety of posts featuring on the blog. For example, you may wish to submit a case study, a reflection, something you've tried to implement in your teaching that went well (or didn't!), a book or article review.

We are open to different ideas that promote good practice and hope that each post will act in a way that encourages people to try new ideas and to make positive changes to their own teaching practice.

Technical guidelines

You will need to draft your blog post in Google docs using the Elevate blog template.

Please follow the guidance on Creating accessible Google docs.

Links: If you wish to reference any material in your post, then please include the hyperlink to the source material.Please follow the University’s guidance on writing accessible link text.

WebAIM provides more detailed guidance on writing link text.

Tags: Blogs will tagged, based on their content to help with searching on the site. Please feel free to suggest any appropriate tags. It will also be necessary to choose from one of the main themes below to fit your post into an initial ‘overarching’ category, to allow for easier searching under the website structure.
  • Assessment & Feedback
  • Curriculum Design
  • Supporting Students’ Academic Journey
  • Teaching Practice
Images: Feel free to include images in your post. Make sure that:
  • You provide an alternative text description if needed. For more information, see the link above on creating accessible Google Docs.
  • You are not infringing copyright (i.e. you own the image or have permission to share it on a public website).
  • Images should be under 2048 pixels high and wide.
  • Please upload original images via the submission form as well as including them in your draft post.

Author information

We would also like to include information about our contributors to go with your post. If this is your first contribution to the blog, then it would be great if you could provide two or three sentences about you, e.g. your role at the University and your interests.

If you have any questions or want further information about making a contribution, please email the team at